It’s not judgement on my part; this guy is a self-admitted racist. Not that he had to say anything, really; his thoughts on the subject of race and race superiority are so clearly stamped into his actions, it would’ve been harder to ignore a naked, dancing hooligan running down the street.
The sad things is, he probably gets this from his father and ooms (uncles). Because that’s where it starts, with the men, and then the boys who grow up to be just like their daddies, forming a repetitive circle. I can see his father and ooms standing around a fire, brandy-and-coke in hand, having a drunken go at the government and all that may. They believe in OLD BOER values; the beliefs of farmers and apartheid and shit.
It’s true, I hardly know the true story; but this is what I, and others, see in this guy. His reputation precedes him with two weeks, I swear; when you hear or mention his name, the immediate reaction is “racist”. I can’t help but wonder what this guy (who’s currently 16) will grow into; or what he will go on to do. If he has so little respect, what stops him from assaulting, murdering or raping? The hate is there. And not just this petty annoyance, but full-blown hatred.
They should, in our matric year, print this under the pic of his face: Most likely to commit race-related crimes…

on Jun 27, 2004
Well, as hard as it is to conceive, this guy may one day surprise you. True, leopards don't usually change their spots, but, stranger things have happened.